How to Prepare for the Digital SAT in Pakistan


The Digital SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test) is a standardized test widely used for college admissions in the United States and even in some universities in Pakistan, like LUMS, IBA, and NUST. In recent years, the SAT has undergone a significant transformation, moving from a traditional paper-and-pencil format to a digital format. This shift has prompted many students to rethink their test preparation strategies. In this article, we will discuss how to prepare for the digital SAT and offer valuable tips to help you succeed in this new testing environment.

Understand the Format

The first step in preparing for the digital SAT is to familiarize yourself with the format of the test. The digital SAT is administered on a computer, and it includes multiple-choice questions and grid-ins. Understanding the question types and the test’s structure is crucial to plan your preparation effectively.

The following is the basic format for the digital SAT: 

aXCH9cTe0Stv9HOV4sGGmUTj4MQPDRLXR 1Dg7C3b706 MOSaVR7DK9XGFlEOrg xiouqell44MXSiogD2bhO3svw gGfJXsq3cD6IvSAVA3ZUaAhMc26dYMMNX15kURkSoUws2V6cPhdcqNOjpNDzE

Please note that there is a 10-minute break between each module. 

SAT Registration and Test Dates 2024

Here’s a table outlining the upcoming SAT test dates and registration deadlines for Pakistan.

Test DateRegular Registration DeadlineLate Registration Deadline*Deadline for Changes
March 9, 2024February 23, 2024February 27, 2024February 27, 2024
May 4, 2024April 19, 2024April 23, 2024April 23, 2024
June 1, 2024May 16, 2024May 21, 2024May 21, 2024
August 24, 2024August 8, 2024August 13, 2024August 13, 2024
October 5, 2024September 19, 2024September 24, 2024September 24, 2024
November 2, 2024October 17, 2024October 22, 2024October 22, 2024
December 7, 2024November 21, 2024November 26, 2024November 26, 2024

Note: It’s always best to double-check with the official College Board website for the most up-to-date registration and deadlines.

Old SAT vs. Digital SAT

Hey, ready to tackle the Digital SAT? Get ready for some changes from the old paper-based version! The new test is shorter overall, with fewer but more focused questions. You’ll see a wider variety of reading passages, including science, history, and topics you might encounter in college. The good news is you’ll be answering questions on a computer, with handy tools like highlighting. And remember, the Digital SAT is adaptive…so the test gets slightly easier or harder based on how you’re doing. Buckle up, and get ready for a whole new SAT experience!

Plus, you have a built-in calculator (Desmos) for the entire math section, so no need to bring your own!

Preparation Tips for Reading and Writing Section:

The reading and writing test includes the following sections: 

Digital SAT Reading: Become a Text Detective

Get ready to dive into the world of words! The Digital SAT Reading section features shorter, more diverse passages with a single question each. Think of yourself as a detective—your mission is to uncover the main idea, understand tricky words, and analyze how authors use information. Practice with a variety of texts (science articles, historical documents, you name it!). The more you read, the sharper your analysis skills will become, boosting your confidence on test day.

Difficulty Level for Reading

The Digital SAT Reading section is moderately challenging. It requires you to analyze shorter passages on various topics. Don’t worry if you find science or history difficult – the questions focus more on understanding the main idea, how authors use evidence, and the meaning of words within that specific text. If you struggle to read quickly or retain information, you might find this section tougher, but regular practice with different types of texts will build your skills.

Digital SAT Writing: Master the Art of Revision

Step into the role of editor! On the Digital SAT Writing section, you’ll be fixing up passages to make them clearer, stronger, and more effective. Brush up on your grammar rules, practice spotting awkward sentences, and learn to choose the most precise words. It’s also helpful to read well-written articles and essays – seeing how skilled writers do it is a great way to learn. And remember, the best writing is often the result of careful revision!

Difficulty Level for Writing

The Digital SAT Writing section is also moderately challenging. Think of it like editing! You’ll need a solid grasp of grammar rules to spot errors and make passages clearer. Having a good vocabulary and a sense of how to write concisely will be a big advantage. The ability to analyze a piece of writing – seeing what’s working and what could be improved – is also key to success in this section.

How to Prepare for SAT Math?

The SAT tests your mastery of four core math areas. First up is algebra – get ready to solve equations, manipulate graphs, and conquer tricky word problems. Next, you’ll dive into problem-solving and data analysis, where you’ll analyze charts, graphs, and real-world scenarios. The test also includes advanced math topics, so brush up on concepts like exponential growth and trigonometry. Finally, sharpen your geometry skills for problems involving angles, shapes, and measurement. Ready to ace these four sections?

The Digital SAT math has these four sections: Let’s explore preparation strategies for them all!

1. Algebra: The Great Equation Quest

Focus on mastering linear and quadratic equations – practice factoring, using the quadratic formula, and graphing solutions. Review systems of equations and inequalities, and get comfortable with word problems that translate into algebraic expressions.

Difficulty Level:

Algebra builds on core math concepts. If you have a strong foundation, mastering essential SAT algebra techniques could take a few weeks of dedicated practice. If algebra is a struggle, allow more time and consider additional resources like a tutor or targeted online course.

2. Advanced Math Wizardry: Potions for Problem-Solving

Tackle advanced topics like exponential functions, logarithms, and basic probability. The Digital SAT has a greater focus on these areas than previous versions, so dedicate extra practice to them. Utilize Khan Academy’s specialized lessons and practice sets to strengthen your understanding.

Difficulty Level:

These topics are inherently more complex. Plan on spending several weeks to a couple of months mastering them, depending on your existing skills. Remember, consistent practice is key, even in short bursts, rather than infrequent, long study sessions.

3. Problem-solving and Data Analysis: SAT Problem-Solving is Your Game

Practice interpreting charts, graphs, and tables quickly and accurately. Learn to calculate percentages, ratios, and averages, and understand how statistics can be used to represent data. Look for practice questions that involve real-world scenarios to develop your problem-solving skills in context.

Difficulty Level:

This section focuses on applying skills in context rather than complex calculations. With regular practice, you can quickly improve your ability to analyze and interpret data within a few weeks. Look for practice sources that mirror the real-world scenarios found on the Digital SAT.

4. Geometry and Trigonometry: Solving for Angles Can Be Sweet

Refresh your knowledge of angle relationships, triangles (including special right triangles), and the Pythagorean Theorem. Review the unit circle and practice with trigonometric ratios (sine, cosine, tangent) in various problem scenarios. The Digital SAT includes fewer but potentially more complex geometry questions.

Difficulty Level:

Geometry will be relatively familiar with some potentially challenging problems. Trigonometry may be newer for some. Allow a few weeks of regular practice to refresh geometric concepts and become comfortable with the trigonometric essentials for the Digital SAT.

Important Notes:

  • Individual Variation: Mastery timeframes are estimates. Everyone learns at a different pace.
  • Targeted Practice: Identify your weakest sections early and spend more time on those to maximize your improvement.
  • Digital SAT Focus: The Digital SAT has a different emphasis than past versions, so tailor your resources accordingly.

Practice with Official Resources

The College Board, the organization that administers the SAT, provides free official practice materials online. Utilize these resources, including sample questions and full-length practice tests, to get a feel for the digital format and the types of questions you’ll encounter. Official resources are essential for understanding the test’s content and formatting.

The Bluebook App from College Board has Four Digital SAT Adaptive Tests. You must take one official practice test and score it to set up a realistic expectation of your SAT score. Then, you can set up a goal to improve it. 

Master the Digital Tools

The digital SAT provides tools like a calculator, highlighting, and the ability to cross out answer choices. Familiarize yourself with these tools during your preparation so you can use them effectively on test day. The better you understand how to utilize these tools, the more time and stress you can save during the actual test.

Review and Analyze Mistakes

After each practice test or study session, review your mistakes and try to understand why you got specific questions wrong. This critical self-assessment will help you identify your weaknesses and make targeted improvements.

How can private tutors help you?

Private tutors play a pivotal role in helping students excel in the Digital SAT. They offer a personalized learning experience, tailoring their teaching methods to match each student’s unique needs. With their expertise, private tutors provide targeted strategies, individualized study plans, and structured practice to maximize performance in the digital testing environment. These can be lacking from test prep books and resource materials. 

Furthermore, private tutors boost students’ confidence, hold them accountable, and provide constructive feedback, ensuring steady progress throughout SAT preparation. Their expertise and support make them essential assets in achieving the high scores needed for college admissions.

That’s why foriEDU offers a team of highly skilled Digital SAT tutors. They not only offer practice materials and personalized feedback but are also accessible for summary sessions and address any questions you may have.


Preparing for the digital SAT is a crucial step in achieving a high score and gaining admission to your dream college. By understanding the format, using official and quality prep materials, developing time management skills, practicing typing essays, and mastering digital tools, you can maximize your chances of success. Remember to stay focused, remain disciplined in your study routine, and stay calm on test day. With the right preparation, you can confidently tackle the digital SAT and achieve your academic goals. Good luck!

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